Product ideas brought to life.

Kevin Witter / Principal Designer

Classically trained as an Industrial Designer with over 20 years of experience in design and development. I love to use design as a tool to create wonderful products for people. The best products are ones where form and function can be resolved together. I utilize user centered methodologies and design thinking techniques to solve real problems for people and businesses. Creating new ideas through sketching, rapid concept generation, and CAD development are my favorite parts of the design process. As a design consultant, I get to help people achieve their business goals through product design.


  • Define

    Setting project goals and determining what success looks like for the product. Understanding what is known and what remains to be discovered or solved for. Laying out a timeline for design and development. Taking our experience gathered from designing hundreds of products and using it to guide the creative direction for the product or product line.

  • Discover

    Learning and rapid idea generation. Gleaning consumer insights and market trends. Creating a wide breadth of possible solutions through brainstorm idea capture, sketching, and mood boards. Solutions can include functional as well as visual options to explore through product concepting. Forming initial design strategy for the product.

  • Design

    Taking inspiration and ideas and turning them into complete and well thought out products. This includes form development, feature integration, and aesthetic refinement, as well as ergonomics, and leveraging our experience in human centered design to create products that delight.

  • Develop

    Refining and detailing the product in preparation for manufacturing. This phase can include rapid prototyping to test and confirm the product function as well as design for manufacturing review. Final design intent for the product is set including aesthetics and functional features.

Let’s build something together.